MS Awareness Month
Why MS is so important to me.
Imagine waking up one day and all of a sudden half of your face isn’t working properly, or half of your body is numb from your finger tips to your toes (yes, everything; even that one thing you’re thinking lol). Imagine going to doctors for over a year for them to say you have shingles or just “slept funny” and that’s why half your body is fucked up. You feel something is wrong inside you for so long yet no one believes you, until one day they finally do. The day the scan comes back, you know the one where you light up like a Christmas tree, everyone finally understands why you’ve been so sick. Yet, no one knows anything about it besides their mom, cousin, grandma, or sister having it in their family and “surviving” it. Do you know how tired us MS warriors are of hearing about your family member having it? MS is the dumbest most ridiculous disease in my opinion, because what do you mean everyone has a different reaction and it’s an invisible illness and it’s my own body attacking itself. How fucking stupid!
What is MS?
I had to learn what MS was. I fucking have the damn thing and had to go research everything about it because it’s so random and obscure. Multiple Sclerosis can effect your whole body, but right now I’m lucky to just have it in my head, lol. But seriously, I’m scared of it spreading to my spine and effecting my ability to walk, move, or even dance. I’ve danced my entire life and the idea of not being able to move my body like that anymore scares me to death. So if I have to endure the nasty bruises and hospital visits to keep up with my health, so be it. I don’t let shit knock me down, especially some dumb ass disease.
My Journey
I had it for a good year before I finally found out anything was actually wrong with me. Now, even though it’s controlled and I don’t have as many flare ups anymore, thank god, I have lingering effects from how long the disease ate away at my brain. I can’t jump on trampolines anymore or ride rollercoasters. That was me and my dad’s favorite thing to do together besides putt-putt. Somehow I feel even closer to my dad when I’m at the hospitals alone. I can only imagine how he was feeling during his last year filled with cancer. This disease feels like an incurable cancer to me. But I'm fighting back. And you should too!
Why fighting back is important?
MS is not as popular in the realm of support like cancer or even breast cancer is. The amount of support helps drive research and studies to help find cures and better help for those suffering. 4 years ago when I was first diagnosed, my medicine to help me was under a study! They didn't even know if it’d work or not! Yet we have many ways to go about curing cancer now? It’s 2025. To say MS is incurable is like a fucking challenge to me. With all of your help, by buying my products, you are directly donating to the National MS Society to help conduct research in finding me a CURE! You also are showing you stand with other victims of MS directly and are not another uneducated regular healthy person going about their day. You’re making a difference!